Affecting Server - PPA
Cloudmark has decided that our spamfiltering servers had low reputation. Even though we monitor this repuation and had sender scores of 80 and above. We have good email reputation on our 4 redundant spam filtering servers currently and no major blacklists. We take spam serious and handle over 2million messages a month.
While we work with cloudmark on the issue we are also working on implementing a work-around of the cloudmark issue.
12/8/2016 10pm
We pushed out our first work around by updating all clients SPF records so we can have our clients send mail out alternate ipaddress.
12/9/2016 1am
We are working with spamexperts our filtering appliance company to add an additional 10 different ipranges to each spamfiltering server so our reputation of being a high email volume service gets spread out and less impact to our clients.
Affecting Other - Network
Datacenter engineers in Dallas facility will be performing an emergency code upgrade on edge routers for the IP Managed network starting 09/02/16 @ 12:00AM CT. The maintenance window will remain open until 6:00AM CT.
The code upgrade is to correct a recently discovered bug causing 10Gbps line cards to reboot. The bug was found to impact internet and distribution ports on both edge routers. Downtime is not anticipated during the upgrade process. Network may experience increased latency sporadically during the window.